The demand for video content has increased quite phenomenally with 43% of the people desirous of watching more videos from marketers.
Videos and animated content has become a significant part of digital marketing strategies with 51.9% of marketers claiming that video content has the best Return on Investment or ROI compared to other types of content.
In fact, managing video content successfully ensures an increase in conversions and ultimately driving profits.
When it comes to video content, business intelligence is beginning to impact many aspects of production and distribution process. Business intelligence along with graphical design and web design can be considered as important assets for deriving maximum value for businesses desirous of marketing their products and services.

Following are the Some of Best Steps To Manage Your Video Content
Determine your Video Objective:
Determine your video’s objectives and target audience such as for whom you are creating the video for, what do you want your audience to take away from it etc.
Video Content Should be Optimal:
Pick the right type of video content for your business ensuring that your video content is having the optimal length for social platforms. Especially in case of effectivedigital marketing the optimal length for social platforms such as Instagram is 26 seconds, for Twitter – it is 43 seconds, for Facebook it is 1 minute and for YouTube – it is 2 minutes.
Images Should be Attractive and Informative:
Call to action images or graphics can be made more focused by using effective graphic design techniques allowing still graphics to be overlaid on the videos.
Video content is increasingly becoming part of website design with some designers creating Bluray like experience in the browser with interactive navigation menus, soft transitions and exceptional visual effects supported by background videos. For instance, I Surf Because – the site is a part of Billabong’s digitalmarketing campaign that uses a background video on the home page to push its campaign.
These four steps would help businesses in successfully managing their video content in getting leads along with the advantage of saving their time and money.