The Five Things That A CEO Should Know About Branding

The Five Things That A CEO Should Know About Branding0

A CEO is a person who sets the tone and shapes the culture of his or her organization and most of the CEOs of the Fortune 500 companies are trained in one the areas such as engineering, finance or operations. 

Each of these CEOs knew pretty well about selling, building their products or services, managing their money or operations of their organizations.

By the time, they end up being in the CEOs role they would have learned an entirely new set of skills but their perspective is always influenced by their area of expertise. 

However, in the list of the CEOs expertise, the marketing function is not on their list. Previously, marketing functions were outsourced to an agency but today it is no longer the case due to an explosion of digital marketing channels that has given control of brands to the marketplace that can exponentially affect the strategic decisions of the CEO.

Therefore, the time is ripe for companies to change their philosophy of interacting with their market and the responsibility lies with the CEOs and hence they should know about branding. 

Here Are Five Things Every CEO Should Know About Branding:

People are Apprehensive of Company-Sponsored Advertisements 

CEOs must be aware that people no longer truly believe in company-sponsored advertisements as they prefer to research a product or service on the internet or recommendations from their friends, family or from industry leaders or even from strangers who share their opinions online. 

With exhaustive information available online, people are checking out what brands are saying and are judging about brands themselves if these brands are accurate, otherwise they move on to other brands or products.

Go Where Your Market Is 

During the previous era, there were only a few broadcasting avenues in the form of TV, radio or print that matches your target demographics but now there are hundreds of different channels such as cable TV. 

In addition, people are choosing new places to interact with content and as such CEOs should make their brands visible where they are interacting.

Think  Like Researchers

Marketing is science as well as art with new digital channels placing more emphasis on the science to measure results, refine, expand or stop depending on the final output. 

CEOs should think of marketing campaigns like researchers and discover what is currently working by ensuring that their team collects the necessary data to be able to measure the market tendencies.

Everyone In The Organization must be a brand ambassador

Social media has enabled the creation of a vast number of connections globally and as such an organization’s brand and its employees are linked like an umbilical cord. 

Markets can interact with employees at many levels in the form of interactions that may be in terms of pleasure or displeasure about the concerned organizations brand. 

Therefore, CEOs should train their employees about their brand standards and teach about different types of personalities out there in the market so that employees can create a healthy rapport with the people thereby resulting in a unified experience with the marketplace.

Your Brand Strategy Should be Consistent 

The brand strategy of an organization must deliver an authentic and consistent experience to their customers. As such, a CEO must be able to clearly define that experience on paper and share it with their team.

Finally, it can be said that CEOs who have embraced these five things or concepts are able to expand their brand to new locations ahead of their competitors.

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