Top 100 E-Learning Blogs and Websites To Follow in 2018

Top 100 E-Learning Blogs and Websites To Follow in 20180

The internet is an ocean of millions and billions of eLearning blogs and websites and in this vast sea of eLearning blogs and websites – it is difficult to select top 100 eLearning blogs and websites that actively work and educate, inspire and empower the readers with frequent updates and best quality information. 

However, the most popular 100 eLearning blogs are provided for the benefit of the readers as herein below

1. ELearning Industry

ELearning Industry is the largest online community of eLearning professionals in the industry that is created as a knowledge sharing platform to help eLearning professionals and instructional designers to connect in a secured online community.

2. Coursera

Coursera has collaborated with universities, museums, and other institutions offering students free classes on different topics with list of available courses on such topics.

3.Learning Solutions Magazines

Learning Solutions website serves education and training professionals especially those interested in grasping information about eLearning and technology.

4.ELearning Infographics

This Elearning Infographics blog is the best platform based on thriving community of 75,000 online educators, instructional designers, teachers and professors.

5.The eLearning Guild

This website The Elearning Guild is a community platform for developers, designers, managers of eLearning professionals who can share their knowledge, expertise and ideas helping building a better industry and learning experience. is a leading online learning platform helping its users in learning business, technology, software related skills to achieve their professional and personal goals.


TeacherTube is a free community website for sharing instructional videos, content for teachers, students.

8. Reddit

Reddit is a popular website dedicated to the discussion of the techniques, problems and solutions in the course of creating, applying, evaluating and eLearning of all types.

9.Google News

Google news is a comprehensive up to date coverage for eLearning, aggregated from news sources across the world by Google news.

10.Penn Online Learning

Penn Online Learining blog is committed to online learning with a mission to increase access across the globe to the educational resources.

11.The Memrise Blog

The Memrise blog is a learning platform that helps the visitors in learning almost any language through play by using the best technology.


Pluralsight is the largest online technology and creative training library on the globe.

13.Future Learn

This FutureLearn blog collaborates with leading universities, specialist organizations around the globe offering a variety of free online courses to any visitors.

14. Boundless Blog

This Boundless Blog offers a high quality educational online courses and learning material replacing textbooks.

15. Big Think

Big Think is the top blog of experts and the world’s best teachers. Big Think invites experts who are professionals in their fields to share their ideas in helping students to make use of this website.

16.Open Culture

Open Culture is the best free cultural and educational media on the web providing the best Free cultural and educational media on the web.

17. ELearning – Adobe eLearning Community

Adobe’s eLearning community is the new platform for all industry-leading eLearning creators.

18.Ted-Ed Blog

This Ted Ed blog site is a house of full educational videos on a variety of general educational topics that can be accessed for free.

19.K5 Learning

This K5 Learning blog is especially created for children helping them to reach their full academic potential with online reading and math program for kindergarten to grade 5 students.


Udemy is a global market place for learning and teaching online and for mastering new skills and career opportunities.

21. Khan Academy

This Khan Academy provides an opportunity for the students to begin to learn about any subject that they have interest.

22. EdX Blog

This Edx blog consists of superb online courses from the top universities across the globe.

23. Bussu

Busuu is a blog dedicated for communities who are willing to learn languages for native speakers around the globe.

24. Dataquest

This Dataquest  provides an interactive online learning environment that is willing to learn about data science and various Data analytical tools like Python, R, SQL, Spark etc.

25.TalentLMS Blog

This is a top eLearning blog by TalentLMS with articles about instructional design and development and various online courses.

26. Extramarks

This Extramarks is an online educational website that offers study materials and tutorials for CBSE, ICSE, NCERT, SAT, TOEFL etc.

27. LearnUPon

The LearnUpon’s E-learning blog provides the users with helpful and informative content about the eLearning industry with all the latest company news.

28. Mondly languages

Mondly is a blog for learning new languages and its learning app is being used by millions of users.

29. Docebo

Docebo is a platform for best articles on e-learning, social learning embedded in the best cloud LMS System in the market for online training.


This is another blog site that provides online training and video courses on topics like digital marketing, finance, Business Intelligence, Project Management and other courses required for upgrading the knowledge of its users.


Speexx is the leading provider of online language training and solutions for MNCs, and other enterprises with innovation being the core of their training programs.

32. CommLab India

CommLab India is the leading eLearning blog site that is popular for its corporate training programs and learning technology.

33. EFront

EFront is a leading LMS blog helping candidates in having successful elearning experience.

34. Matrix

Matrix is a blog site where one can find all types of useful information about online training, eLearning, corporate learning management systems and solutions.


SHIFT is an eLearning Blog that is designed to meet the needs of eLearning and mLearning at one place.


This Kineo learning technology blog consists of latest news, insights and eLearning tool reviews and Totara LMS trends and Adapt learning updates.

37. ELogic Learning

This ELogic Learning blog site guides companies in achieving results with learning solutions that include essential learning management system (LMS) and eLearning development.

38. Open Sesame

OpenSesame is one of the trusted providers of on-demand learning courses for businesses. It has preview courses, research sellers on its site.


Trivantis is a blog site that has everything on eLearning blogs, industry news about eLearning designs and development, rapid eLearning, mobile learning etc.

40. Elucidat

This Elucidat blog site provides instructions and tips pertaining to improving eLearning performance

41. IconLogic

IconLogic is a blog site that shares insights on Camtasia, PowerPoint, eLearning, and mLearning.

42. SoftChalk

SoftChalk blog site that offers hosting solutions and content authoring that are important for the success of eLearning processes providing educators with easy, reliable and fast ways of creating engaging content.

43. Jigsaw Academy

Jigsaw Academy is a popular website known for providing blogs, teaching material on Big Data and Data analytics.

44. Teaching ESL Online

Teaching ESL Online blog helps English teachers in starting their online resources, advice, interviews and tutorial material for the students.

45. The Upside Learning Blog

Upside Learning Blog is a leading provider of learning solutions and services to organizations globally.

46. ELearningDom

ELearningDom is a platform, where eLearning professionals and Instructional Designers can discover material and assets in the form of eLearning templates, vector icons etc.

47. Thought Industries

Thought Industries blog provides B2B and B2C content, news items information and tips about online learning.

48.  Allen interactions

Allen Interactions is a technology firm website blog providing its readers with engaging and meaningful content.

49. EIDesign

EIDesign is a top bespoke learning and blended learning development company in India providing learning solutions to global businesses.

50.Dashe & Thomson

Dashe and Thomson blog site is a platform of custom learning solutions, eLearning, and development solutions from industry thought leaders.

51. ELearning Tags

ELearning Tags as a social bookmarking service where the users can discover share and vote on eLearning content.

52. is an e-Learning blog that includes free e-learning template downloads, job aids, tips and tricks for instructional designers and other eLearning professionals.

53. ELearning Mind

ELearning Mind As an eLearning blog, it offers thought leadership on the latest news and ideas in the knowledge world.

54.  Gomo Learning 

Gomo Learning provides insights on latest eLearning blog posts pertaining to cloud authoring and multi-device learning courses.

55. Cinecraft

Cinecraft is an award-winning Cleveland based video production, eLearning, mLearning and Gamification Company

56. Talented Learning

Talented learning is another site helping organizations in choosing and using the best LMS and related technologies for their respective business needs.

57. VivaeLearning

VivaeLearningis a blog site having the best collection of free video tutorials about eLearning software, LMS and other educational technologies.

58. Knowledge Anywhere

Knowledge Anywhere is a site dedicated to the training experiences when providing LMS services and driven towards developing leaders.

59. ENyota Learning

ENyota Learning is a leading eLearning company providing custom learning solutions to organizations across the globe.

60. Me Learning

The Me Learning blog shares news about latest educational e-learning courses for the young and adults.

61. Coursepath

This  Coursepath blog informs about latest trends and news on online training events, product features and on best practices of corporate learning.

62. Riptide Learning Blog

Riptide Learning blog provides solutions to information about high-quality scalable solutions about educational resources and in deploying multi-million lines of codes.

63. Origin Learning Blog

Origin Learning site is providing services for high tech engineering and manufacturing enterprises and helping them in achieving their learning goals.

64. Swift Elearning and Training Blog

Swift Elearning and Training blog is a top eLearning provider company in India offering custom e-learning and software solutions to global companies. 

It provides the latest technology news, custom courseware, and e-learning resources.

65. Sell Course Online

This Sell Course Online site provides tips to launch online courses, helps in creating course site and in building a sales funnel to market online courses.

66. Skill Builder LMS

This Skill Builder LMS blog site supports all types of learning and evaluations and provides the best-in-class custom learning solutions.

67. Skilcast

Skillcast helps companies in building integrity, ethics and in managing their regulatory compliance risk.

68.  E-Learning Provocateur

This E-Learning Provocateur blog site is started by Ryan Tracey – a member of eLearning Magazine’s editorial board to evolve deeper thinking in the field of eLearning.

69. Distance

Distance Educator a blog site, it provides the latest information in the field of distance education and elearning.

70. Saffron Interactive

Saffron Interactive consists of articles, and tips from leaders in the field of instructional design, UX design and in connecting with learners.

71. Scitent eLearning

Scitent ELearning is an eLearning blog that features the latest technological trends in instructional content.

72. B Online Learning

B Online Learning  blog site is dedicated to academic excellence in the field of eLearning delivered through engaging and motivating courses.

73. Knowzies

Knowzies blog keeps its readers updated on the latest trends in mLearning and eLearning and also seeks the views of the readers on the same.

74. Words and Videos

Words and Videos site offers online language learning classes in different languages through virtual classroom environment.

75. ELearning elevated

ELearing elevated provides solutions for course design, training, development and offers educational consulting services.

76. Pure Learning

Pure Learning is a site dedicated to news, insights, and resources about eLearning, digital education, and training.

77. ELearning Ask

ELearning Ask site is renowned for its question answering service in the field of eLearning delivering the best eLearning answers for experts in the field of eLearning.

78. ELearningInside

ELearning Inside is known for its well sourced and investigative news stories to the eLearning community.

79. Huffington Post

Huffington Post blog site is dedicated to news, posts on online learning.

80. Litmos

Litmos is the provider of an award-winning learning management system for all learners.

81. Oxford Online English

Oxford Online English blog site is offering premium quality online English lessons to suit the needs of everyone through free English video lessons.

82. Upside LMS Blog

Upside LMS blog site is dedicated to providing learning programs in the field of LMS offered through configurable architecture.

83. Codeacademy

Codeacademy website makes coding accessible to any student interesting in learning about coding.

84. E-learning WMB

E-learning WMB blog offers the most modern e-learning development techniques tool available such as 3-D learning, cloud-based authoring, comedy e-learning etc.

85. Proschool

Proschool blog site provides a large number of certification courses like CFA, CIMA, and NSE CFT among others.

86. Making Dulingo

Making Dulingo is a language learning website that offers a smart way of learning new languages like French, Italian, German, Dutch etc.

87. Babbel

This Babbel site offers online language learning with the latest courses and products in different languages.

88. Learning Dojo

This Learning Dojo site is dedicated to providing training, tips and other resources for eLearning developers.

89. O4Learn

O4learn is a platform for social learning for those who want to learn new things or courses.

90. E-Learning Academy

This E-Learning Academy site is primarily launched to promote learning and teaching through the use of technology.

91. Cammy Bean’s Learning Visions

This Cammy Bean’s Learning Visions site belongs to Cammy who is the Vice President of Learning Design for Kineo dedicated to blogs pertaining to e-learning and instructional designing.

92. Cathy Moore

This site is the brain child of Cathy Moore who provides interesting topics on instructional design and eLearning tools.

93. You Tube

Youtube is a media channel where one can find educationally based tutorials by E learning.

94. Matthew Guyan

This blog of Matthew Guyan is helpful in learning about eLearning topics.

95. MP Jones E-Learning

This blog MP Jones E-learning represents the portfolio of MP Jones consisting of topics on Instructional Design and about eLearning industry.

96. E-Learning Evangelist

This site E-learning Evangelist is dedicated to online education programs/topics by Ray Jose who is involved with online education sincethe mid 1990s.

97. The E-Learning Curve Blog

This The E-Learning Curve Blog owner of this blog is Michael Hanley witha regular posting of articles about e-learning, web based elearning, elearning tools etc.

98. Helge Sherlund’s ELearning News

This  Helge Sherlunds ELearning News blog is dedicated to posting latest news on net based learning, e-learning, distance learning among other aspects of online learning.

99. Kasper Spiro

This blog consists of personal views of Kasper Spiro who posts articles/blogs about the trends in the world of e-Learning in perspective as CEO of Easygenerator.

100. The Rapid E-Learning Blog

The Rapid E-Learning blog site, this platform shares practical tips and tricks on elearning and is hosted by Tom Kuhlmann who runs the community at Articulate.

These are the top 100 eLearning blogs that are popular to be followed in 2018 and beyond.

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